Psychometric Leadership and Human Resource Test Measures, Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership and Management Development, Effective Leadership, Leadership Recruitment, Management Recruitment, London, Paris, Munich, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Italy

A team rises and falls with its leader, a department produces significantly higher sales figures under a good leader, a company will outperform competitors if the head of the organization has the necessary skill set. Despite the importance of leaders for the success of their teams and organizations, numerous surveys show that too frequently employees do not agree with their leadership and see their superiors lacking in essential competencies.

We know that leadership is one of the driving forces behind employee performance. Leaders are the lens through which employees, suppliers, business partners, and clients view the organization. Data shows that leaders are responsible for up to 72 percent of employee sales. 

Leadership Development, Management Development, Employee 

Development, Human Resources Training and Development, Psychometric Measures 

and Test


Trust in the organization and in management overall is heavily influenced by what direct supervisors do, their personalities, and competencies. As a ballpark figure: 57 percent of employee trust is due to direct leadership.

Leadership Development, Management Development, Employee Development, 

Human Resources Training and Development, Psychometric Measures and Test

Given these figures, it is paramount to select the right candidates for a leadership position and support managers in their development as leaders for these impressive statistics to crystallize in your organization.

The Effective Leadership Measure (ELM) was developed with that in mind. It measures eleven different leadership behaviors ranging from leader empathy to the ability to form cohesive teams.

To find out more, please feel free to contact us and we are happy to assist you with any questions you may have.

The Effective Leadership Measure is available in English and German. For the German version, please follow the link Führungskräfte-Test (FT).